Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Can you believe this.........

I went to the dentist yesterday & had a back tooth pulled.........yuck! But get dentist actually CALLED ME last night to see how I was doing! OMGosh......I about fell over from shock! This was my first time at his office & it won't be the last (unfortunately I need more work). But it makes me feel so much better knowing that he actually CARES! What a rare commodity in this day & age.

Just wanted to share that with you since I haven't been posting much lately. I'm working on some things I can't share with you yet..........Christmas in July little projects I'm anxious to show you but can't until July 25th when my partner will see her goodies........don't want to spoil the surprise for her now do we.....LOL

Have a blessed day & hope your dentist is as nice as mine! btw......I'm doing great!

Huggies & Blessings ~


charlene said...

It is nice to have a dentist that cares....I love my dentist ! However the only doc that ever calls is the dogs to see how she is doing LOL !
Love ya bunches Sis

cabio's craft corner said...

That's nice to know that your dentist is caring for you, not many are like that.
Looking forward for your creations!

Sharon Caudle said...

Bless your heart! I'm sorry you had to go through that, but at least you have a good dentist! Hey girl....better check out my blog. *wink* Have a great day!