It's time for another Clear It Out challenge. The challenge theme for the month of December is CHRISTMAS and the stash item is ANYTHING GOES. We want to help you get those Christmas cards or projects made. And as always.........we're all about helping you clear out the stash items that we all have laying around unused (hence our name...."Clear It Out").
I'm so very excited to reveal our special Sponsor for December. It's the amazing.........and incredibly talented.......Krista from Saturated Canary. I think you'll agree with me that her images are some of the cutest ones out there. Krista is giving away 2 digital images to the lucky winner. Yippee Skippee!!! Amazballs!
It's Team A's turn to dazzle you with their projects so hop on over to Clear It Out & take a looksie. We would love to have you join in the fun & have a chance to win some of Krista's cuuute digis. Ya gotta be in it to win it! :) I'll be posting my card soon so watch for it.
Huggies & Sweet Blessings ~♥♥♥~

No card today! waaaaaaaa :-) LOL I'll be on the look out for it. Hope all is well with you my friend. Big hugs!
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog Sharron, have a wonderful day! Take care, Ira
How sweet of you to stop by my blog again Sharron and you're welcome to the template, have fun with it! Hugs, Ira xox
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